Friday, 2 May 2014

Ode to the Strong Independent woman!

---She takes a look in the mirror one more time before she steps out of the house; she is the image of perfection! Every strand of her hair perfectly in place, her dress fit her like a glove; her makeup was so aptly applied you would almost miss it if you didn’t look closely. She stepped out with a deep sigh and got ready to face the world again. Nobody would ever know that she cried herself to sleep last night…

She has to confront the reality of the bills that consumed her. She could be the married woman who has been covering for her Husband by ensuring the bills are paid or that single woman struggling to take care of herself and her dependents or maybe that widow or single mum who struggles to pay fees and put food on the table. Whoever she is and wherever she is today, I salute her!

I always write from the heart; often inspired by my observation and personal life experiences. A few months ago, someone accused me that my writing showed too much emotion… The truth is she might be right, but I told her that I think that the emotions I express are a lot of people’s inner cry and dealings and that as I share my struggles and victories, maybe someone would receive the motivation and energy to keep going.

In my Mind’s ear, I heard the long sigh and the hearts beating faster in a lot of homes once it was 27th of April 2014. It was the dreaded day before the kids went back to school in Lagos. Parents who had not been able to put the school fees together worried. Some even went into panic mode and began to make desperate attempts to borrow, beg or bargain! Then the 28th came to pass…..

I heard a few amazing testimonies from mothers who got ‘Angels’ to help them sort the school fees or those who negotiated a flexible payment period with the school (Where were the Father’s you might ask? That’s a story for another day). There were still those who had to ask for more time to sort it out, but in all, as I listened to my sisters and heard their sighs of relieve, I couldn’t help but write this Ode to the strong independent woman.

I told a friend the other day that sometimes I get tired of being strong; I was scrolling through my phone some time ago and it really cracked up when I realized that I had the phone numbers of several PHCN officials from the connector(Who climbs the pole) to the Marketing manager in my district! But a girl needs to know the people that help to keep life stable. 

The purpose of this ramble which is quite different from my usually organized thought process is to give you (Yes You!) a part in the back and say well done strong independent woman and if you are a responsible man reading this, you deserve a part in the back too! Because that means you are caring for a sister of mine and not just milking her fountain!

Love and Peace


1 comment:

Let your post be edifying