Monday 14 April 2014


So I decided not to write about sex and the married abstainer, not because I don’t have an opinion on the subject, but because it is a sensitive issue for a lot of married women living without sexual relations with their spouses not by choice, but circumstances. I have heard different stories and I have had my own experiences, so I choose to pray for my sisters who are in such relationships because if it is unwillingly it can be very painful and affect a woman’s self-esteem. So I choose to pray instead that God would fix such relationships…..

We all have desires and hopes for a better life. Even if you have the ‘perfect’ job or the ‘perfect’ relationships, there is still an area in your life where you want more! I have hardly met anyone who didn’t want more…..

Many like me have probably been waiting for what we consider a fairly long time for our desires to come to pass and waiting can be very frustrating and emotionally tasking. One minute you are pumped and full of joy, the next minute when the reality of your present circumstances confront you, you might get worried, or angry or even depressed as to why things seem to take so long……….

One day as I contemplated this concept of expecting more from life, one thing struck me; as wonderful as wanting more is and having an expectation is, if we are not careful, it could steal our appreciation of the beauty of TODAY! When we are constantly looking ahead for something more or something better, we might miss the little miracles and joys of the present and we live with constant disappointment because we never seem to get enough.

In my waiting period; I am teaching myself to live in the moment, to be aware of the miracles happening every day. One of the most significant is the miracle of waking up every day to see the beauty of a new day. The good book says that a living dog is better than a dead lion, so no matter how challenging life is, every day that we open our eyes to see a new day, there is hope that something can still change or happen!

So how do you live in this moment? Here are a few suggestions that have worked for me:

1.      Keep a gratitude journal: I found out that a lot of successful people keep a gratitude journal and my first instinct was of course they would! When they have a lot of things to be grateful for. Well I challenged myself to keep my own mobile (I use a notebook app) journal and write down things I am grateful for at the end of each day. Since I started, I find that I always have at least 3 things to be grateful for at the end of each day and my focus on gratitude helps me enjoy each day and appreciate the small miracles.

2.      Live Expectant: It seems contradictory to say live in the moment and live expectant; however when you keep a gratitude list and begin to appreciate the small or maybe great daily miracles, it fuels your expectancy to receive more. Since our life usually goes in the direction of our most dominant thoughts, when we have an attitude of expectancy whilst enjoying and maximizing our current moment, our desires would come to pass.

3.      Nourish your hope: Someone said to the famous writer; Zig Ziglar, motivation is so temporal, one minute you are charged up, the next minute it is over. Zig said; so is having your bath, which is why you have to do it every day! This also applies to us. Think about what makes you hopeful and make it a part of your daily life. For me, it is reading bible stories of people who had a dream and it came to pass, or biographies or listening to motivational information.

Enjoy this moment in life, because you won’t get it back again. Stay connected and stay expectant. I am looking for more ways to live in the moment and I would appreciate if you can share your own experience with me.

Love and Peace


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