Wednesday 14 August 2013


I did a wardrobe audit this morning, and I brought out clothes that I had not worn in a long time and decided to sort them out into two piles; the first pile contained clothes that I still loved but were a bit too tight, but I insist on keeping them because I believe one day soon (weight loss journey…) I would be able to fit into them again. The second pile contained clothes that I have either over worn because I loved them too much, so they had lost some color or clothes that I never really wore because they really never fit me.  I gave them to my nanny because she always insists that she has many friends and relatives who would appreciate them.

She teased me about the clothes I had over-worn and said when I loved something a lot, I used up all the value in it very quickly by wearing it over and over again. I thought about it for some time and realized that though she had a point; it was not a balanced perspective. The quality or durability of something is not always in direct relation to the usage of that thing. So for example; I can buy 100naira bathroom slippers the same day I buy a 50,000 naira bag, because I used both items constantly during a particular duration, does not mean they would both get spoiled at the same time, the quality of each product would determine how long it would last.

This has made me realize that good quality is really a long term investment. So what are the steps to help us live a better quality life?

1.      Take audit of your current life circumstances: The word ‘better’ suggests that there is something more to aspire towards. You would not be able to determine how far you still need to go, if you are not sure of how far you have come. What areas of your life do you still aspire to be more, do more or have more? Be sincere with yourself and take stock, so that you can decide what needs to be done. I just did a self audit about my weight; I always used to complain that I exercised a lot and was not losing weight, but I took stock of my eating habit and realized that I also had to eat right to see results. So now I have no more excuses, I have to fix my eating habit. Take audit of your life and be truthful to yourself.
2.      Make a life changing decision: Every day, we make decisions about various things, as an adult, decision making is a familiar process. However, we need to make life changing to see life changing impact. Some life changing decisions that can shake your life could include:

a.       Deciding not to eat a certain food(s) again eg soda, diary some people even go to the extent of deciding not to eat poultry again and embrace a vegetarian lifestyle, these kinds of decisions can change the quality of your health and weight for good.

b.      Deciding to follow/pursue your dreams no matter the cost- I made this decision about 5 years ago and sincerely it has been a rocky and interesting road! Its not easy to leave a stable and well paying job to do something else because you had an epiphany and decided this is what you were born to do. But it is a life changing decision, which could affect your earning power positively or negatively and affect you fulfillment too. My own fulfillment bank is brimming full; I am waiting for the money bank to catch up!

c.       Deciding to make God the center of your life-This is indeed a life changing decision because it would adversely affect the course of your life. It would determine how you live, what your values are, what you stand for and what your life purpose is. This decision would test your moral standing especially in this tough world that we live in. However it is a key step to live a quality life.

d.      Deciding to break off some relationships or build some others- The quality of our lives is really affected by the people we closely relate with. We might need to make a drastic decision to cut off some people from our lives to enable us move forward and live a better quality life. Cut of people who are sowing negative seeds into your eye or ear gates, cut of people who are dream killers or suppressors. Some of these people may be close family relations who you don’t want to stop talking too completely, but you can decide to reduce their influence in your life. Then build relationships with people who would challenge you to be better and greater. Invest in relationships with successful people who you aspire to be like and who are willing to share their knowledge with you.

3.      Follow through on your decision(s): Now you have audited your life and decided to make life changing decisions in some areas; you have to commit to the decisions you have made. Sometimes the process of following through would take you out of your comfort zone and sometimes you would falter, but pick yourself back up and get back on track and these changes would lead to a more fulfilling and quality life.

I am on a journey to creating a better quality life for myself and my loved ones and it’s an interesting learning journey. Hope you make the same decision and take the steps too…

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts

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