Thursday 20 June 2013


I read the document over and over; I couldn't believe this had happened. I had been positive, I had prepared adequately and I had done my best to tell the truth, so I was shocked to be receiving this kind of information and rejection! This was a major setback; it was going to change my plans…..

I panicked for a while, seeking a solution or an alternative to the problem, but I didn't see an immediate solution. I calmed myself, made some calls and just when things seemed to be looking up; I hit another brick wall! That was when I knew that I was in a battle and I had to fight to win. Sometimes the battle comes directly to your face and we need new strategies to overcome. I would like to share some things I learnt in winning the battle that confronts you:

1.      Stay calm: Making decisions when all hell seems to have broken loose is the worst thing you can do. Never make long term decisions based on short term circumstances. Even when the panic rises, try to stay calm. Prayer helps me stay calm or talking to a sensible person that can calm you down might help you let go of the panic. Even when the confrontation is starring you in the face, buy yourself some time and stay calm.

2.      Examine alternatives: After you have calmed yourself, examine if there are alternative cause of actions. There is always another way, another option. It starts with a mindset of possibilities. You need to believe that rejection is not a stop sign, its only redirection to another cause of action. For example if the source of finance you were depending on does not come through, calmly examine if there are other alternatives. There is always a way, if you apply yourself and put your mind to it.

3.      Take action: When you have examined the alternative and weighed the cost of the various options, take a step of faith and take action. I always measure decisions from a quantitative-numbers driven and qualitative-Value driven perspective. Some decisions may make more sense numbers wise, but might be detrimental value wise. The final decision would be based on what is more important to you. And when you have taken a cause of action, try not to look back in regret, keep moving forward.

4.      Keep the faith: One of the greatest battles you have to fight is to hold on to your believe/faith in the process of taking action in expectation that the action would lead to your desired expectation. This goes back to all we discussed in part one( )

5.      See your victory: I have heard this famous saying: It’s not over until you win! Hold on to till you reach your desired outcome. You might have to take another route or another form of transportation, but don’t change your course until you win this battle!

Stay Empowered,

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are being blessed, inspired or empowered. I am also willing to answer your questions, so please keep sharing and share this article with others….

1 comment:

Let your post be edifying