Tuesday, 2 April 2013

A time to Fight!

I have been quiet for a while, I was beginning to enjoy the silence, and it was somewhat comforting. No risks, no big steps……..Just the rhythm and little baby steps. A few years ago, this would have been such a bore for me! I would have tired easily of the slow pace. Impatience would have swallowed up every sense of enjoyment. But this was a different me. Now I enjoy silence, the waiting has become pleasurable and I am not in a hurry any more. Little drops make a mighty ocean….tick tock says the clock; these have become my favorite lines.

As I settle into the routine called life and I get used to eating manna-Just enough, never in excess, but truly satisfying! The drum sticks of expectation are getting louder, I hear sounds like a battle is about to begin, these sounds would have made me jump up in excitement in the past; but not now, I don’t want to fight any more…..I have gotten used to not fighting for myself. I sit back and the greater one fights for me or I stare defeat in the face with a shrug, just maybe it was never my battle to win. But suddenly, the battle is coming to my door step!

I am babbling to myself and maybe to you, but seriously, I have gotten used to sitting back and letting the universe take care of me. I used to be a fighter, life was my battle field! I fought to be heard, I fought to be respected, I fought for causes, I fought for women, I fought myself to stand up again after a broken heart, I fought to ensure that my son always had a meal to eat, I fought to be taken seriously as an entrepreneur, oh I was always ready to fight!

Then I lost it! The will and capacity to fight again. I became a battle weary soldier, and I withdrew to a cage to be nurtured back to health. Only that; the cage has become so comfortable, my basics at my beck and call. I have almost forgotten that I was once a fighter. I feel almost like the children of Israel, circling the same spot year after year, without even realizing it. Now I know why it is called comfort zone. But the battle cries are coming closer, manna is about to cease, My warrior spirit is awakening and I am coming to the realization that maybe it’s time to come out of my sabbatical and fight again.

What am I going to fight for?

1.      I am going to fight for what God has in store for me! My blessing, my opportunities, my business growth, my divinely orchestrated relationships, my bright future.

2.      I am going to fight to awake dead dreams of love, of life, of success, of travel, of beauty.

3.      I am going to fight for what life and the enemy stole from me; my innocence, my pure spirit, my gift of believing the impossible and my Faith that tomorrow would be better than today!

Have you been a sleeping or wounded soldier in hiatus? Maybe it’s time for you to fight. Yes the quiet was fantastic and to be nurtured without any input is amazing, but you cannot enjoy the fullness of what life can bring if you don’t get up and fight!
For me, and maybe for you, it’s a time to fight…………………..

Stay empowered,


  1. Wa oh!!! Thank you for this!!! Aptly summarizes where I am at this stage of my life!

  2. Now polishing my "uncarnal" weapon of warfare:)
    Fab one babes!

    1. Right on Beeci, our weapons are indeed mighty, not carnal

  3. Lovely! Thanks for the wake up call.


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