Monday, 21 October 2013


Who are you is a question that pops up at various times in our lives and we are forced to answer it promptly. Sometimes we say; my name is so and so, or we say who we are by describing our purpose in that location. For example; I am the lady who called so and so.

We mostly define ourselves by our present conditions or circumstances and most times that’s how people tend to also describe us. So the chubby woman in your office is called; 'the fat woman on the 3rd floor'. The talkative guy across the room is called; 'that noisy guy at the end of the hall'. Subconsciously, we find ourselves describing people by their personality or circumstances. So who is the lady down the street who just lost her husband? She is the widow with two children or the single mum etc.

I recently went on a fabric buying expedition and discovered an interesting self sufficient cottage factory in a back street in the Tejusho area that would give the Aba people stiff competition. I went around the place trying to know the workers and as I approached a kind hearted middle aged woman, I was curious to know her name, so I asked her; what is your name madam: it took her a while to respond and I saw the discomfort in her face so I quickly chipped in: I know you are ‘mama something’, she immediately got comfortable with that and quipped; yes I am mama Precious. This kind hearted woman seemed to have lost a sense of herself, outside her role as a mother. She obviously had not said her own name in a long time and had gotten her sense of security from motherhood, which is one of the ways women validate themselves and their existence on the earth.

This made me begin to search my soul to answer this question: who are you? I decided to define who I am (or who you are) by who I am not:

1.      I am not my circumstances: circumstances can come to define us to the extent that our name becomes our circumstances. An example is the woman with the issue of blood in the bible. I am sure she had a nice name like Peace or Favor, but no one ever mentioned that name, she had become known as the ‘woman with the issue of blood’. You are not your circumstances, because circumstances can change! The woman got her healing and that ended it. So do define yourself by your circumstances because that is what is in front of you. Even is your circumstances don't change, how you perceive your circumstances can affect your perception of who you are.

2.      I am not my physical appearance: This one is one of the toughest for a lot of women to deal with and I have written various articles on it, but truth be told, you are not your physical appearance. Your physical appearance is a suit that you have been given to enable the ‘real you’ function on the earth. You should take care of your physical appearance so you can function at your best, but you should not let your physical appearance hinder your or limit you. I hear women say; may I am not pretty enough, or I am not tall enough, or my tummy is too big or my breast is too large. We spend too much time worrying and criticizing our physical appearance and not enough time nourishing ‘our real selves’ that we begin to get our definition from our physical appearance.

3.      I am not my previous/past life experiences: I overheard someone `describing a lady as; that girl that was very loose in school’. My curiosity piqued and I looked at the girl to see if there were any signs of her past escapades, but alas she looked pretty decent and nice looking to me.  We have all made mistakes and wrong choices in the past and a lot of it we might not be proud of, but that’s why it’s called ‘past’ it has passed. We can make better choices today and not define ourselves by our past experiences.

4.      I am not my failures or successes: This one is very tricky for a perfectionist, achievement driven person like myself. I have spent long periods of time berating myself times when I have failed (I wrote about it in lessons I learn from failure). I am even better at handling success because I have a constant need to become better, so I try not to dwell on it for too long. The truth is that successes and failures do not define us, especially if we don’t allow it. I have heard stories of people whose lives are stuck in their last success or failure stories and it is sad to see how people have defined themselves by the ‘Company they worked with the that folded up’ or ‘ the good old days when things were easy’. Success or failure is not a destination; they are just mountain and valleys in the journey of life.

5.      I am not my habits: Habits is one of the main uniting factors amongst people. That’s why people that smoke gravitate towards each other, or people say they are social drinkers. Even good habits like sports and religion seem to unite people. And some people are friends for the sole purpose of the fact that they have similar habits. We are not our habits, despite the fact that our habits would determine the outcomes of our future. Habits can be changed; bad habits can be dropped and good habits can be learnt. There is more to you than your habits and the habits we embrace should be motivated by internal factors like a sense of purpose than by external factors like social relations (porn intended!)

I recently went to see Angelique Kidjo’s performance and I was so enthralled by her power and stage presence and at that moment, I realized; I did not care what she was not. I wasn't in the least concerned if she was a wife or a mother, I was in Awe of her abilities as a performer and I stood in admiration as she manifested her gifting as a performer; singing, dancing and engaging the audience.

 I had profound respect for how she used her music to address social causes that were close to her heart and at that moment I finally understood; that man (male or female) is really spirit.  Who you and I really are is an amazing creative potential that God has unleashed on the world to show his greatness and bring his glory on the earth.

Stop defining yourself by any of the factors above and begin to search your heart in God’s presence to find your true self because in there lies you true sense of purpose and fulfillment! You are created in the ‘Image’ and ‘likenesses of a great and mighty God.

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts and information.

I would really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are blessed, inspired or empowered. Also share this article with others so that the blessing would flow….

Friday, 4 October 2013


Life has been a fast moving train recently. It means I am living my dreams and God is taking me to new levels of purpose. It also means that sitting down to write this blog is getting tougher and this blog means a lot to me, because it’s a way for me to share and empower you and me to become five star women.

In life we are constantly barraged with information that forces us to make decisions constantly. To a lot of us, decision making has been relegated to our subconscious and this works just fine, especially for habitual decisions like: What route to take on our way home, how to comb your hair or how to wear your shoes!

However we are also faced with harder decisions that have more severe consequences like: to compromise or not to compromise? To beat the traffic light or stop for a few minutes? To join the click and get the promotion or to stand alone and risk being relegated? To marry that man who is not good enough just to be known as Mrs. or to risk staying single for much longer……………

Life forces us to make tough choices! And the sooner we realize that and face it, the easier it would be for us to deal with when we find ourselves in such situations. I have made a couple of wrong choices in my life and some of them, God’s mercy covered me, but the others, I have to live with the consequences… Although God’s grace is available, the reality of our decisions stare us in the face.

I am learning how to make better decisions and some of the tools that have helped me make those tough choices consciously are the following:

1.      Know yourself: The greatest question you can answer is ‘who am I’. This question would open you up to an amazing self discovery. I mean who are you really? Not what the world has said you are, not what people have told you about you and not what you have been sold on in the media that you are trying to imitate or emulate? Who are you really?  When you know yourself, you would know what you stand for.

2.      What are your values: A lot of us have various values we have imbibed from our childhood that has stayed with us till this day. Some of those values are great and have formed the basis our choices to date. However some of those values have been self destructive. For example: Some women have been told that no matter what a man does to you, you have to endure. This sort of values or programming have made women stay in cases of severe abuse and lost their minds and sometimes their lives. Search your heart, define your values and the kind of person you really want to be and make a decision today to make choices that uphold your most important values.

3.      What are your vulnerabilities? We all have areas of weaknesses and struggles and when we are able to clearly define them, we consciously make decisions that would ensure that we don’t make choices that expose us in our vulnerable areas. For example: You have a weakness for fine jewelry, this means you are vulnerable to buy fine jewelry on impulse. Your knowledge of your vulnerability would help you make choices of where to go and what to do with your money.

I would share some more tools in my journey to make better decisions and confronting life's tough choices in my next write up. Look forward to it!

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts and information.

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are blessed, inspired or empowered. Also share this article with othe

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Lessons I learnt from Failure

My childhood was a really exciting time for me, especially the adventure of running around in the compound, playing maliyo games with my friends and picking up lost coins from the sand which we promptly handed to the puff puff seller for the most sumptuous puff puff balls. I remember those days now when I see the excitement in my son’s eyes when he discovers a new cartoon with new superheroes for him to imitate. Things were so easy then and nothing seemed impossible….

Fast-forward to today; I have been busy trying to wrap up a very challenging project. When I first got the project, I was really excited, like a child who has been handed a gift box with all sorts of treasures’ and possibilities in it. I jumped on it and quickly began to unwrap it only to realize that not all the candies tasted nicely, some were sour and others were plain bitter! I have been on that journey for eight weeks and I have made some mistakes and now I have a book full of ‘what not to do’s’ when I have this sort of projects in future. The amazing thing that has happened to me through the struggles of raising financing, dealing with exchange rate fluctuations, manufacturers disappointments and all sorts of things is that I have come out stronger, wiser and more knowledgeable about how to do it better!

For the first time in a long time I have embraced failure and made it my teacher. I made up my mind not to shy away from the harshness and pain, but to fight through it so that I can extract the juice from it and turn my mistakes into the platform for greater future success. As I approach the final stages of this particular project and prepare to start another one, I want to share some lessons I have learnt from failure:

1.      Failure is not fatal or final: When you fail at something, you might think that your life is over! I remember the first time I failed the 2nd stage in my ICAN exams in 2005; I cried so much that I almost crossed a traffic light that had turned red. When the Police man stopped me, I broke down and cried so hard that he even began to plead with me to take it easy! I mourned for some days, picked myself up wrote it again and failed again! At this time, failure had become hilarious. I just laughed and it did not hurt as much as it did the first time. But this time around, I sat down and examined why I was failing, I realized that I was trying to study for 4 papers in one sitting and decided to come up with a new approach to taking the exams, which leads to my second lesson:

2.      You need to be flexible: planners like I need to have our route planned out to the tenth, and it can be quite disconcerting when things don’t go according to the plan. However, I have learnt that life would throw your curve balls that can get you off your set path and you need to be flexible enough to take a new turn without changing your end point. After I realized I had failed my exams twice because I was taking on too much at once, I decided to focus on two courses and give them my energy and time and because I changed my strategy, I passed those two papers I focused on. Of course after that I decided I didn’t want to practice as an Accountant, but the lesson was learnt!

3.      Do your best but don’t kill yourself: I remember the nursery rhyme that goes thus; do your best and leave the rest! If you are a perfectionist, that sounds foreign to you. You probably obsess over and over again when things don’t go perfectly. But I have finally learnt to do my best in whatever project or assignment that is before me and not beat myself too much when things don’t go exactly the way I planned it. Excellence is a virtue everyone must imbibe, but sometimes in pursuit of excellence, things can go wrong and we might not be able to control the circumstances. At those times, we should try and communicate to the parties involved and take a solution oriented approach. But don’t kill yourself, do your best and leave the rest to the Almighty!

4.      Develop a thick skin: I have disliked critics for as long as I could remember. And it’s not just the criticism I don’t like, it is criticism that just aims to put you down instead of been solution oriented. I have grown a lot by receiving constructive criticism that have corrected me and pointed me in the right direction, but those negative critics can be such downers. I have since learnt that if you are doing anything of worth and value, people are going to try to talk you or pull you down! My advice is to develop a thick skin and stay centered. Let your validation come from your inner conviction and the support of trusted people and not from the opinions of Naysayers who don’t know the full story or the true picture. You can also be you chief critic, but go easy on yourself sometimes and forgive yourself (read my last article on place more value on yourself!) then get back up again and get right back to it!

5.      Don’t compromise your values in pursuit of success: I have learnt that sometime failure is saying NO to circumstances that would otherwise have led you to compromise. Success can be such a blinding obsession that the hurdles you are faced with to cross into the realm of success might be marked with things that would go against you belief and you might be too blind to see it. My advice is always follow the path of wisdom, there is always a way out that doesn’t require you to compromise, do your best to find that way and negotiate your success. But when you have done your best and there seems to be no other way but the way of compromise, then it’s time to let go. For what you walk away from today to preserve your values, might come to you tomorrow on a platter of gold without the dirt…………

This is my message to me this morning and I am going to apply it, I hope you do the same………….

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are being blessed, inspired or empowered. Also share this article with others so that the blessing would flow….

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Value your self!

Life takes you through various tangents, from valleys to mountains and back to valleys, the cycle of life can take toll on the traveler that you sometimes forget why you are on this journey and begin to adapt to the experiences life brings your way and sometimes you forget who you really are and why you are on this journey………..

I once read a research that said that what makes Human beings the most superior specie on the earth is our ability to adapt. We have transitioned from the Garden of Eden, to living as cave men, from that period to using the earth’s raw materials to create food, clothing and shelter. We have moved beyond that stage to inventions and innovations that have created the earth we live in today. Adaptability or adaptation is a positive development, and so it can also be a negative development; especially when the processes of pain and disappointments have led us to adapt to adapt to a life that is less than ideal. Life’s challenges might have made us stronger, but in some cases it has killed our spirit and made us forget who we really are.

I got off the phone yesterday with a friend who challenged the giant in me, she provoked me to take a more critical look at my life and in doing so; I was reminded of the essence of how I began this race: It started with me asking the question; who am I? Why am I here? and what is my value to the earth? I reminisced about what I learnt all those years ago that life almost stole from me; I reminded myself that I am made in the image and likeness of an amazing and power God. And the more I meditated on this thought, the more I learnt why I must place more value on myself. When you look in the mirror, what you see is an image of yourself. So if I am made in the image of a superior being, that means I am just like him! And that’s the same for you too and that’s why you have to place more value on our self.
How do you place more value on yourself?

1.      Love yourself: Self love is a tricky concept depending on what side of upbringing you are coming from. To some people, self love means self indulgence and to some others self love is a foreign concept as they have been thought not to thinking to highly of themselves. Love yourself means appreciate YOU. Thank the almighty for making you in his image. Celebrate all the wonderful gifts and talents that you have been bestowed with. Appreciate every intricate detail of your ‘Earth suit’ and let your heart be filled with joy and gladness that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Love yourself.

2.      Forgive yourself: We have all failed one way or the other! Yes that’s the truth. Don’t beat yourself up too much for your past failures no matter what they were. Failure is not final, the important thing is that we learn from our past mistakes, pick ourselves up again and keep moving. Have you goofed in the past? Or done something you are not proud of? Forgive yourself! Give yourself another chance and don’t give up on you, because you still have many chances in life to succeed again. You are work in progress, forgive yourself and keep living!

3.      Accept yourself: So you look at the mirror and you see an image that has it flaws right? Well welcome to the real world where no one is perfect!( read my post titled let go of the shame and live). Accept how you are made and know that the traits you inherited genetically were not by accident. God who decided to make you as noisy or as quiet as you are or as big boned or slim framed as you are did not make a mistake. He gave you the perfect earth suit he thought you needed to fulfill your purpose. What if your earth suit (body) has gone through voluntary or involuntary damages like child birth, accidents or illnesses? The he want to use just the way you are flaws and all! I watched and read the inspirational story of Nick Vujicic, A man born without arms and legs (you can Google him). He is living a great life despite all his challenges; he travels the world to motivate people and he is married with a son. Accept yourself! And continue to be the best version of yourself you can be! You are just fine.

4.      Discover yourself: When we travel, we try to learn as much about the place we go to, especially if it’s a new place. Treat yourself like a treasure box and discover who you are. Let every discovery be a revelation that helps you to know yourself some more. What do you like? What do you love? What do you dislike? What makes you happy? What makes you sad? What are your dreams? What are your aspirations? What sort of life would you like to live if you had no limits? What are you on earth for? The more you discover yourself, the more special you feel, and the more value you place on YOU!

My purpose prayer to help me discover myself more goes thus: God of glory, make me intelligent and discerning in knowing you personally, my eyes focused and clear, so that I can see exactly what it is you are calling me to do. Adapted from Ephesians 1: 17-18 message translation.

5.    Live your life to the fullest: Yes! now you are learning to love you, to forgive you, to accept you and you are discovering you! Live life to its fullest and live each day creating the life of your dreams. There would still be tough times, but don’t let them change you, don’t let them define you, keep moving forward and keep your value up. And you would live the best life from today forever!

This is my message to me today and I am going to apply it, I hope you do the same………….

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are being blessed, inspired or empowered. Also share this article with others so that the blessing would flow….

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


I did a wardrobe audit this morning, and I brought out clothes that I had not worn in a long time and decided to sort them out into two piles; the first pile contained clothes that I still loved but were a bit too tight, but I insist on keeping them because I believe one day soon (weight loss journey…) I would be able to fit into them again. The second pile contained clothes that I have either over worn because I loved them too much, so they had lost some color or clothes that I never really wore because they really never fit me.  I gave them to my nanny because she always insists that she has many friends and relatives who would appreciate them.

She teased me about the clothes I had over-worn and said when I loved something a lot, I used up all the value in it very quickly by wearing it over and over again. I thought about it for some time and realized that though she had a point; it was not a balanced perspective. The quality or durability of something is not always in direct relation to the usage of that thing. So for example; I can buy 100naira bathroom slippers the same day I buy a 50,000 naira bag, because I used both items constantly during a particular duration, does not mean they would both get spoiled at the same time, the quality of each product would determine how long it would last.

This has made me realize that good quality is really a long term investment. So what are the steps to help us live a better quality life?

1.      Take audit of your current life circumstances: The word ‘better’ suggests that there is something more to aspire towards. You would not be able to determine how far you still need to go, if you are not sure of how far you have come. What areas of your life do you still aspire to be more, do more or have more? Be sincere with yourself and take stock, so that you can decide what needs to be done. I just did a self audit about my weight; I always used to complain that I exercised a lot and was not losing weight, but I took stock of my eating habit and realized that I also had to eat right to see results. So now I have no more excuses, I have to fix my eating habit. Take audit of your life and be truthful to yourself.
2.      Make a life changing decision: Every day, we make decisions about various things, as an adult, decision making is a familiar process. However, we need to make life changing to see life changing impact. Some life changing decisions that can shake your life could include:

a.       Deciding not to eat a certain food(s) again eg soda, diary some people even go to the extent of deciding not to eat poultry again and embrace a vegetarian lifestyle, these kinds of decisions can change the quality of your health and weight for good.

b.      Deciding to follow/pursue your dreams no matter the cost- I made this decision about 5 years ago and sincerely it has been a rocky and interesting road! Its not easy to leave a stable and well paying job to do something else because you had an epiphany and decided this is what you were born to do. But it is a life changing decision, which could affect your earning power positively or negatively and affect you fulfillment too. My own fulfillment bank is brimming full; I am waiting for the money bank to catch up!

c.       Deciding to make God the center of your life-This is indeed a life changing decision because it would adversely affect the course of your life. It would determine how you live, what your values are, what you stand for and what your life purpose is. This decision would test your moral standing especially in this tough world that we live in. However it is a key step to live a quality life.

d.      Deciding to break off some relationships or build some others- The quality of our lives is really affected by the people we closely relate with. We might need to make a drastic decision to cut off some people from our lives to enable us move forward and live a better quality life. Cut of people who are sowing negative seeds into your eye or ear gates, cut of people who are dream killers or suppressors. Some of these people may be close family relations who you don’t want to stop talking too completely, but you can decide to reduce their influence in your life. Then build relationships with people who would challenge you to be better and greater. Invest in relationships with successful people who you aspire to be like and who are willing to share their knowledge with you.

3.      Follow through on your decision(s): Now you have audited your life and decided to make life changing decisions in some areas; you have to commit to the decisions you have made. Sometimes the process of following through would take you out of your comfort zone and sometimes you would falter, but pick yourself back up and get back on track and these changes would lead to a more fulfilling and quality life.

I am on a journey to creating a better quality life for myself and my loved ones and it’s an interesting learning journey. Hope you make the same decision and take the steps too…

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are being blessed, inspired or empowered. Also share this article with others so that the blessing would flow….

Friday, 2 August 2013

Choose a Quality Life!

It is getting harder for me to write! Because every time I write, I challenge myself to practice what I preach. So I am living in motion these days; I am going after my dreams, reaching out for more and walking/working to become the best me by God’s grace. I hope that as you read each article, you are being inspired to do the same.

I grew up craving for better quality. Better quality clothes, better quality food, better quality friends and even better quality men! It was always a case of cut your coat according to your cloth, and sometimes the clothes never seemed to be enough to me or never seemed to be in the fabric I wanted. It was a constant struggle for me until I resigned to being content with what I had till I could get what I wanted.

Life and seasons have changed and now I can afford to get a few of the things I really want, but it has also made me question what really is ‘Quality’? Is quality the most expensive of the thing you want? Or is it the rarer or limited edition of the things we want? Is quality really determined by price or by taste, these are the thoughts I joggle in my mind.

I was with my manufacturer in Istanbul last week and we were considering fabrics for the new collection we are currently working on, I was suggesting that we should look for a lower quality fabric to enable us maintain our current sales price, instead of the obvious option of increasing prices, but my meticulous manufacturer vehemently opposed this idea, She insisted that they prided themselves in working with 100% quality fabrics and I finally succumbed to her persuasion, but it got me thinking of life in general and the compromises we constantly make for or against quality.

How many times have you been under pressure on your job to make a choice between letting things slip or putting in the extra time? Or between settling for a partner who if all things were equal you would not choose, but you would rather wait it out hoping that the future would bring better options? All these are decisions that are driven by our perspective of quality.

I have come to realize that quality is driven not by the cost of a thing, but by the value you can derive from it. So you need a shoe, a good quality shoe to some one can only be one that carries a designer label, why to another, a good quality shoe is determined by durability and not by brand name, although sometimes a good brand connotes good quality.

Quality for me has even transcended the choices I make for material things, to the choices I am constantly making for immaterial things like the quality of my thoughts, the quality of my relationships, the quality of life I live. Quality for me is now determined by how much I respect and value myself as a person.

I told a friend the other day that she should quit smoking( No judgement on people’s habits o!) my greatest point of note to her is that no matter the stress relieve she derived from smoking, it did not compare to how much she was devaluing her body or choosing a lower quality lifestyle. I challenged her to find other ways to deal with stress that would increase the quality of her life. And that’s my challenge to you!

How do you live a better quality life? I would share that next time, I have to run……….

Stay Empowered,
P.S Please follow me on twitter @taleofrecreatio I do my best to share inspirational thoughts

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are being blessed, inspired or empowered. I am also willing to answer your questions, so please keep sharing and share this article with others….

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


I woke up this morning with a new lease of life. I have finally closed the chapter of a not so pleasant aspect of my life. I learnt many invaluable lessons, the greatest of which is; don’t ever try to make major life decisions without God’s direction and grace. It sounds simple, but it is instructive for an action oriented person like me to learn to patiently listen for his direction before I move.

I once saw a quotation; the past is in the tomb, the future is in the womb. As women, we have a clear picture that the womb is a place where new life is nurtured and developed. It is a place where possibilities translate to reality. However in the womb, some seeds have been disrupted from growing. Either by personal choice (abortion) or by circumstances (mis-carriage). Sometimes we can decide the outcome of what happens to our seed, other times we can’t.

I have found out however, that we can create or decide on the kind of future we desire by playing an active part in en-visioning your future and working/walking in God’s direction to achieve it. When we were younger, we spent our days dreaming that we were one character or the other. From being a princess, to being a superstar, we believed so much in our dreams that we acted it out to the best of our ability. Some of us turned our combs or sticks into microphones or made paper tiara’s to act the part of princesses. The truth is, even as we are much older, it has not changed. We can still dream! Of course with more maturity and wisdom and work towards creating the future we desire.

So how do we go about this?

1.      Define your desired future outcome: Think deeply about your desired future outcome. How would you like your life to be in the next 1 year, 3 years or 5 years? Forget about your present setbacks and limitations and look with eagles eye’s into the future you desire.

2.      Visualize your future: There are various ways of visualizing your future. You can write it down in place where you can read it every day, or you can create a visual of your future using a vision board. I discovered vision boards earlier in the year, and promptly created mine. It is a board with pictures of all you want for your future. So put a picture of your dream car, or a baby if you want one, or a spouse, or your dream job, or a dream pay cheque etc. Don’t limit yourself and look at your present circumstances and say it is impossible. First visualize it and put it out to the universe.

3.      Meditate on your desired outcome: Once you have written it down, don’t just leave it there and go about your ‘normal’ life, keep meditating on the possibility of achieving it. If you meditate on it long enough, faith would grow in your heart and you would begin to believe that achieving it is a possibility. Sometimes when I am discouraged or unsure of my future outcome, I lay on my bed and stare at my vision board, as I look at all the things that I want for my future; I know that with God, nothing is impossible, and I am strengthened to keep going.

4.      Create a course of action: The more you meditate on your desires, the clearer the pathway would become. As you get inspiration and ideas of what to do, take those ideas and create a course of action. For example, you keep visualizing your dream job and realize that you might need to put yourself out there more, so you create a linked in account and write the best profile ever that showcases you and makes you attractive to prospective recruiters.

5.      Keep moving towards your future: The good book says; the path of the righteous shines brighter and brighter. Once you have determined your desired future outcome, let this new sense of purpose change your life and begin to draw you progressively forward. Let yourself be stretched, because this change is necessary to create your desired outcome. Even when you are tempted to rush back to your comfort zone, resist it and keep moving towards your future.

Ultimately, it takes God’s grace to arrive at your desire future. Embrace it and keep dreaming, visualizing and acting till you arrive at your destination!

Stay Empowered,

I really appreciate your comments. They let me know if you are being blessed, inspired or empowered. I am also willing to answer your questions, so please keep sharing and share this article with others….